Vermont State Court /Catholic Daughters of the Americas



July 2023,

Welcome to the Vermont Catholic Daughters website. We are part of a national organization founded in 1903. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organization of Catholic women in the Americas. We are 63,000 members strong in 45 states, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam and the Virgin Islands.

Here in Vermont, we have five Courts with around 300 members located in central and northern Vermont. Our oldest Court, Court Saint Mary, was established in 1920. Vermont has a rich history of Catholic women praying and working together to help spread the Word of God throughout the state.

“Spirituality and Service” is the heart and soul foundation of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Our members are involved in their Parishes, communities and offer support to each other in their Courts. Our motto is: In Unity and Charity.

Together we strive to be positive examples of Catholic Women. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic Daughter please contact a State Officer. We are all here to help each other get to Heaven.

Lorraine Durfee

Vermont State Regent


"Be a light for all to see”

July 2023,


Welcome to the Vermont Catholic Daughters website. We are part of a national organization founded in 1903. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organization of Catholic women in the Americas. We are 63,000 members strong in 45 states, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam and the Virgin Islands.


Here in Vermont, we have five Courts with around 300 members located in central and northern Vermont. Our oldest Court, Court Saint Mary, was established in 1920. Vermont has a rich history of Catholic women praying and working together to help spread the Word of God throughout the state.

“Spirituality and Service” is the heart and soul foundation of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Our members are involved in their Parishes, communities and offer support to each other in their Courts. Our motto is: In Unity and Charity.


Together we strive to be positive examples of Catholic Women. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic Daughter please contact a State Officer. We are all here to help each other get to Heaven.


Lorraine Durfee

Vermont State Regent


"Be a light for all to see”

"Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all."


***Vermont State Board Instituted on 2/4/1924***

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Vermont State Catholic Daughters of America.
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Bethel, VT 05032
Phone: 802-234-5605
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