Vermont State Court /Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Photo Gallery

Court St. Monica #1181 - Barre, VT

On Tuesday, 11/3/15, Court St. Monica #1181, Barre, hosted a rosary-making class for its members.  Kathleen Daye from Our Lady's Rosary Makers  taught members how to make rosaries which will then be sent to Mary's Call in Kansas City, MO, to be distributed to missions in India and Kenya, and to the military.   Our Lady's Rosary Makers was founded ini 1949 by Xaverian Brothe rSylvan Mattingly, C.F.X.  Rosaries are distributed freely to missionaries thoughout the world.

Court St. Augustine #976 - Montpelier, VT

On Sunday, 12/6/2015, Court St. Augustine celebrated their 90th Anniversary with a Mass at St. Augustine Church  followed by a lovely buffet dinner at The Steak House Restaurant in Berlin.   Past and present state officers attended the celebration along with the local court officers.

Court St. Veronica #1273 - Hardwick, VT

Our 2015 Advent party showing the food pantry donations with two members (Jeannette Brochu and Mary Ainsworth) who are on the board for the food pantry.

Court St. Anthony #1231 - Bethel, VT

It was a God graced day for all hosted by Court St. Anthony in Bethel! In Unity and Charity all Vermont Catholic Daughters acted to support women and children. In unity with our brothers of the Knights of Columbus, an ultrasound machine and $1630.47 were given to the Barre Care Net. We prayed for spiritually adopted babies for nine months while collecting monies at our monthly meetings. The delivery of the Ultrasound machine was facilitated by the Knights. Amazing! In addition, all the baby items were donated by various Daughters and Knights. Well done good and faithful servants. You are helping to save and support lives!

2021 State Convention

State officers pose at the Shrine of our Lady at convention on April 17, 2021.  Pictured are Rose Pelchuck, secretary; Doris Voyer, treasurer; Carla Pembroke, 2nd vice regent; Fr. Pat Forman, chaplain; and Lorraine Durfee, regent.  Missing from the photo is Jane Geider, 1st vice regent.

2021 Installation of Officers

Fr. Pat Forman installs newly elected Regent Loretta Schneider after mass on May 13, 2021, at St. Monica's Church, Barre.

State Court

Covid didn't stop the state court officers from being installed at a ceremony held after daily mass at St. Monica's Church on May 13.  Congratulations to the 2021 - 2023 State Court Officers:  Treasurer Dale Mount, 1st Vice Regent Doris Voyer; Chaplain Fr. Pat Forman, Regent Loretta Schneider, 2nd Vice Regent Deborah Brown, and Secretary Diane Byrne.

2021 Make A Difference Day--Court St. Veronica #1273 Dresses for India Project

Even though she isn't a member of Court St. Veronica, Merriam Rogers helped press material for the dress project.

Court St. Mary #468 - St. Albans, VT

The 100th anniversary celebration took place on Sunday, May 22, 2022-- two years late  due to Covid!

2022 Ordination

The Knights of Columbus led the processional at the Ordination Mass on May 23, 2022 at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Burlington, Vermont.

St. Mary's 100th Anniversary Group Photo

Front roll seated: Kaye Beaudry, Financial Sec. Claire Raymond, V Regent Laurette Laroche, Regent Pat Wilder, District Deputy Jane Geider, Treasurer Sue Bressette, Recording Sec Judy Lovelette, State…..Debbie Brown.

2nd row: Linda Marlow, Betty Lumbra, Gail Boulerice, Jeanne Bourbeau, Fr. Naples, Jeanne Royer, Barb Colby, Nancy Clark, 

Back Row: Annette Langevin, Carol Dugan, Pam King, Delores DeMone, Katrina Sharp, Judy Smith, Pat Duffy, Michaella Vidal, Louise Doyle.

Missing from picture but photo added to the side is: Bridget Garibay, Rachel Smith, Annette Montaigne.

Make A Difference Day October 2022 Court St. Veronica #1273

2023 State Convention

State Convention Photos



100th Anniversary of the Vermont State Court

Mr. Luan Tran Transitional Diaconate

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Vermont State Catholic Daughters of America.
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